Do you want to share your WordPress blog analytics with Twitter followers automatically and get users engaged? Now you can do it with “Automatic WordPress analytics reports to the Twitter bot”. I will show you how easily it can be done with the powers of Python programming language, Selenium library, GeckoDriver, BeautifulSoup parser and Tweepy.
Tech stack you need to make a bot:
The core of the bot will be written in Python.
We need Selenium to run the browser within Python code.
GeckoDriver to use a Mozilla Firefox as a browser.
BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML raw data that we will be saving with Selenium.
And Tweepy to be able to post a tweet to Twitter with automatic WordPress analytics reports to the Twitter bot.
This piece of content is a part of my “automation” manifesto, which I declare here: I would automate everything with Python from now on.
Bot WorkFlow:
The Selenium browser visits the WordPress /wp-login page. We’re using the Mozilla Firefox with a geckodriver. The bot pastes the login-password pair into the web form and clicks the “login” button.
After the successful login process – the bot visits the “analytics dashboard”(I’m using the “visitor traffic real-time statistics PRO” plugin, you can use any other plugin and adjust the bot by replacing the links and name of the div elements).
With the power of the Selenium library – the bot takes the two screenshots of the analytics plugin page and saves them inside the root directory of the python project. The first image – is the full page screenshot, and the second image – is the specific div id partial screenshot).
Selenium saves the raw data of the HTML page for future BeautifulSoup parsing purposes.
BeautifulSoup library parsing the data from the raw HTML and grabbing the number of today’s visitors and visits).
With the power of Tweepy – the bot posts predefined message with parsed information and attach two screenshots with WordPress blog analytics.
Put the bot on autopilot:
Check out how you can easily schedule the python code to run on Ubuntu or any other Linux distros. If you want to schedule the “Automatic WordPress analytics reports to the Twitter bot” on a Windows machine – please use google for a guide.
Source Code:
import platform import time from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service from fake_useragent import UserAgent import tweepy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #TWITTER API KEYS & TOKENS: api_key = "#" api_secrets = "#" access_token = "#" access_secret = "#" # Authenticate to Twitter auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key,api_secrets) auth.set_access_token(access_token,access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) try: api.verify_credentials() print("Authentication OK") except: print("Error during authentication") #WORDPRESS LOGIN PAGE URL(in my case - the url will redirect me to my analytics dashboard after bot submit the data) bro='' #XPATH OF WORDPRESS' LOGIN FORM ELEMENTS username='//*[@id="user_login"]' password='//*[@id="user_pass"]' login_btn='//*[@id="wp-submit"]' #login button xpath, we gonna click on it #RUN SELENIUM WEBDRIVER def startbrowser(): if "Linux" in platform.system(): path = "geckodriver" else: path = "geko/geckodriver.exe" options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() service = Service(executable_path=path) options.add_argument("-disable-dev-shm-usage") options.add_argument('-disable-gpu') options.add_argument("-no-sandbox") options.add_argument("-disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled") options.add_argument("-disable-web-security") options.add_argument("-disable-xss-auditor") useragent = UserAgent().firefox print(useragent) profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.set_preference("general.useragent.override", useragent) driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile,service=service, keep_alive=False, options=options) driver.implicitly_wait(30) return driver #Automatic WordPress analytics reports to the Twitter bot #LETS START THE SELENIUM(FIREFOX) BROWSER AND VISIT THE LINKS #don't forget to change the username and userpassword def traff(url): driver = startbrowser() try: driver.get(url) driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH,value=username).send_keys('username') time.sleep(5) driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=password).send_keys('userpassword') time.sleep(5) driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH,value=login_btn).click() time.sleep(5) #take a fullpage screenshot driver.save_full_page_screenshot("fpagescreenshot.png") time.sleep(5) #take a special element(div) screenshot with selenium webdriver driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH,value='//*[@id="wpbody-content"]/div[2]/div[4]/div[2]/div').screenshot('partscreendiv.png') time.sleep(5) except: print("can't run webdriver traff") if driver: driver.quit() pass #save the source code for future manipulations with bs4 source = driver.page_source driver.quit() #CREATING A BEAUTIFULSOUP OBJECT AND PARSE THE HTML soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'html.parser') z = soup.find(id="summary_statistics_wrapper") td = z.find_all(class_="values") #print(td[2].get_text(),td[3].get_text()) people_amount=td[2].get_text() visits=td[3].get_text() #PREDEFINED TEXT THAT WOULD BE UPLOADED AS A TWEET texttt= f"""📈Today's blog analytics: Visited by {people_amount} people & had {visits} visits in total ℹ️☝️this report was created automatically for 🔗 proudly generated with #Python #Selenium #Webdriver #BeautifulSoup and #Tweepy """ #UPLOAD MULTIPLE IMAGES INTO ONE TWEET WITH TWEEPY img_names = ['partscreendiv.png', "fpagescreenshot.png"] media_ids = [] for img in img_names: xxx = api.media_upload(img) media_ids.append(xxx.media_id) api.update_status(media_ids=media_ids,status=texttt) return "lmao" x = traff(bro)
Code Sources:
GitHub repo with Automatic WordPress analytics reports to the Twitter bot code:
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